ICAPS 2018 Tutorials 
Call for Tutorial Proposals 

The Organizing Committee for the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) invites proposals for its Tutorial Program. Tutorials offer the attendees a review of a specific subfield by a leading expert. Registration is free for ICAPS participants. 

We welcome proposals in all areas related to AI planning and scheduling (P&S), and highly encourage topics that have not appeared in recent ICAPS tutorials. We especially welcome topics from outside the ICAPS community that merge P&S with other areas such as robotics, machine learning, autonomous agents, and knowledge representation. Tutorials typically begin with introductory material, but also review recent advances in the field, providing either breadth or depth into the specific P&S topic. 

We encourage tutorials that (i) include a hands-on session, allowing participants to experience useful tools, or (ii) experiment with algorithmic components, to deepen the participants’ understanding of the topic. We especially welcome tutorials that collaborate with a workshop, such that the tutorial provides some introductory material that can be later discussed at the workshop. 

We expect the majority of tutorials to be half-day but quarter-day (90 minutes) tutorials are also possible. 
Tutorial Proposals 

Tutorial Submissions should include the tutorial’s title, type (advanced or introductory), summary, outline, and expected length (quarter or half-day) of the tutorial, as well as a short CV of the proposer(s), including a list of significant publications and/or prior teaching experience (given tutorials etc.). The proposal should not exceed two pages. 
Submission Procedure 

Tutorial proposals should be submitted by email, in PDF, to both the Tutorial Chairs with subject "Tutorial Proposal for ICAPS-18" no later than February 9th, 2018. Organizers of tutorials will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by February 23, 2018. 

Summary of Important Dates 

· Deadline for submission of tutorial proposals: February 9th, 2018. 

· Notification of tutorial acceptance: February 23, 2018. 

· Tutorial dates: June 25 and 26, 2018. 

Tutorial Program Chairs 

· Guy Shani, Ben Gurion University ([log in to unmask]

· Angelo Oddi, CNR-ISTC, Italy ([log in to unmask]

Please direct all questions to the above tutorial program chairs.