

Dear Colleagues,

The Call for Papers is now out for the 13th EOH Research Conference on Homelessness.
Date: September 21, 2018
Venue: Budapest

FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness, the Metropolitan Research Institute Budapest and Shelter Foundation Budapest are pleased to announce the 13th Annual European Research Conference on Homelessness in Budapest entitled Social and Economic Integration of Homeless People.
The purpose of this research conference is to explore evidence on levels of and opportunities for social and economic integration of homeless people in Europe and elsewhere. The conference invites presentations on policies and practices in relation to social integration and labour market participation of homeless people across Europe.
Similarly to previous years, the conference will also include open sessions on the broad theme of ‘homelessness and housing exclusion’ from across Europe and elsewhere. Early career researchers are also invited to present their research activities.
Keynote speakers: Péter Győri HU and Tim Aubry, CA

Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2018.
Fee: 150 EURO, reduced fee for speakers and PhD students: 75 EURO

Please find more details in the attached document.

Best wishes on behalf of the organisers,

Teller Nóra
Szociológus / Sociologist

Városkutatás Kft. / Metropolitan Research Institute
H-1093 Budapest, Lónyay utca 34.
Tel.: +36 1 2179041
Fax: +36 1 2163001
Mobil/Cell: +36 30 5761449