

Summary of discussions

1) the session agenda document with collaborative comments can be found at  

2) there was much discussion on the original list of accessibility criteria.

The key themes that emerged were:

3) The people with responsibility for accessibility may not have the authority within the organisation to improve the guidance available. We can support them by providing a briefing for senior managers and marketing personnel.

4) There are potentially a range of places where the accessibility information could exist. These include LibGuides, the supplier's website or the platform itself. It was generally felt that, wherever possible, having the information available within the platform would provide best barrier-free access.

5) there was discussion about the feasibility of having links to the publishers accessibility guidance embedded in the meta data available on aggregator platforms. This way, a student experiencing difficulty would be able to have a direct link to the best available advice for the product they are reading.


Next steps

1) Sign up for next session - Reality Check (exploring the different headings proposed and identifying the relative ease of implementation and the range of 'scorability' for different requirements). Please give your availability on the Doodle poll so we can get best attendance.

2) volunteer to support one of the follow up actions:

  1. a briefing for senior managers/marketing managers.
  2. the first draft of the audit questions by commenting on this document or copying, pasting the initial proposal further down the document and radically changing it to an alternative suggestion. Please provide your name with all suggestions/amendments and improvements so we know who to approach for questions, clarification or congratulation!


Summary of actions:

Fill in the doodle poll for next meeting

Check, comment on or improve the first pass at the criteria

If you’re happy to start on a briefing for senior executives please let me know / fill in your name on the summary notes


Have a great weekend all





Alistair McNaught
Subject specialist (accessibility and inclusion)


M 07443 984111

Skype alistair_techdis

Skype for Business [log in to unmask]

Twitter @alistairm

One Castlepark, Tower hill, Bristol, BS2 oJA


Please note: I use Voice Recognition which occasionally results in misinterpreted words. Apologies if I failed to spot any.


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