

 Dear colleagues,

May I request your strong support for the Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium 2018 and  share your latest research at

Details below.
Best wishes,

From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Gwendall <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 26 February 2018 10:27
To: ogrs-community
Subject: OGRS 2018 - Lugano Dear OGRS Community members,

The OGRS Community steering committee is pleased to announce the next edition of OGRS. It will be held fromOctober 9 - 11, 2018 in Lugano, Switzerland. The symposium will be hosted and organized by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

This year conference theme is “Open Science in Practice”. This new approach, endorsed by several research funding agencies, aims at improving the impact of scientific activities by opening and sharing knowledge, tools and materials. Nevertheless, to fully exploits the advantages of this new paradigma and put in practice Open Science scientists needs to deeply understand the open principles and solve practical issues. OGRS hope to contribute to bring Open Science closer to its full implementation facilitating discussion, mutual learning and information exchange.

The main goals of OGRS 2018 are:
   - to foster the adoption and application of Open Science principles in the geospatial domain;
   - to build a panel of new scientific research and education practices using and contributing to open source initiatives in the geospatial fields;
   - to discuss a framework and highlight a rationale about geospatial open source technology usage in research and education activities;
   - to provide an innovation platform to network and develop ideas for future collaborative work between academia – from research to education – and other actors of the field (associations, foundations, local authorities, industry etc.).

The symposium will integrate several opportunities for presenting : oral presentations, workshops and posters. To participate in any of these opportunities, authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (1000 to 1500 words, references and keywords excluded) through the conference website. The official language is English. The international scientific advisory board will review and select abstracts for inclusion in the symposium and publication in the symposium proceedings.

Important dates :
Call for paper : early March

Submission deadline for abstracts is May 28, 2018

Authors will be notified by June 29, 2018 on program inclusion

For more details,please visit the OGRS’18 website : or follow our Twitter account :

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards,

OGRS'2018 organizing committee