

On Wed, 2018-02-21 at 19:17 -0500, Steve Lionel wrote:
> On 2/21/2018 7:07 PM, Malcolm Cohen wrote:
> > BTW most discussion takes place at meetings.  Sometimes there are papers before or after such discussions which mention rationale, but not always.  And the rationale for one person is not necessarily the rationale for another (for example, someone might consider COMMON and NAMELIST to be old-fashioned and undesirable in principle, so prefers not to extend them further).  So my stated rationale above is merely my opinion as to what the most important factors in the decisions were - it's common to have multiple factors affecting a decision, and someone else might well think something else was a more important factor.
> I have often wished that there was a more detailed record of such 
> discussions. In the past, all that was recorded was a list of papers 
> that passed, and we often end up arguing the same things every few 
> years. It's one of the things I'm going to try to change in my role as 
> WG5 Convenor.

There was a time when at least some X3J3 discussions were scribed.  I
don't know whether this was ever done for WG5.

> Steve