

Thank you, Paul.

Yes I imagine it must be devastating for the learning disabilities communities. It’s certainly been lethal for the mental health community (though a friend of mine bought a successful case against the government re the mobility criteria of PIP so I am feeling a little cheered).

Locally we have just heard the CCG is withdrawing funding from CAB the citizens advice bureau. CAB has been a vital source of PIP support amongst being a pillar of the community for years. We think, though haven’t proof yet, that the CCG is redirecting the CAB money to pay for the new wave of employment advisers in IAPT. Is this happening anywhere else with CABs does anyone know?

In solidarity

From: The UK Community Psychology Discussion List <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Paul Moloney <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 13 February 2018 11:32:07
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Getting exemptions from face-to-face assessments (PIP/ESA)
Thank you Jay, this is very helpful.

PIP assessments are causing a lot of distress in the learning disabilities field, as I imagine they are elsewhere.

If anyone has any further suggestions  for getting further support for service  users in relation to PIP then they would would be very welcome.

Best Regards 


On 13 Feb 2018, at 11:22, Jay Watts <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear All

For those of you involved with people having to go through PIP and/or ESA assessments, this is a really useful document on getting exemptions so people don't have to do face-to-face assessments Please disseminate it as widely as you can, it's a lifesaver.

In solidarity


Benefit assessments – exemption to protect vulnerable patients There is a great deal of evidence about the profound distress which face-to-face

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___________________________________ The list is jointly managed by David Fryer [log in to unmask] and Grant Jeffrey [log in to unmask], either of whom are able to deal with queries. To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website:
___________________________________ The list is jointly managed by David Fryer [log in to unmask] and Grant Jeffrey [log in to unmask], either of whom are able to deal with queries. To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website: