

Hi all,
I found some strange errors while practicing ˇ¶Single-particle processing in RELION-2.1ˇ·with RELION-2.1 stable.

If I use the GUI,  I seted every parameter according  section 3.6 "Making templates for auto-picking" of this tutorial. But when I click the button "Run now !", an error message was popup wroted "ERROR: unknown error in /home/cuikl/opt/relion-2.1/src/ml_optimiser_mpi.cpp at line 120 (error-code 30)", I clicked the "continue" button and a window was poput like this :

Then I printed the command line corresponding the GUI job by Clicking the button "Print command", and I run the command job directly, but an error also occured : ˇ°ERROR: unknown error in /home/cuikl/opt/relion-2.1/src/ml_optimiser_mpi.cpp at line 120 (error-code 30)ˇ±. I opened this cpp file and checked line 120: "HANDLE_ERROR(cudaGetDeviceCount(&devCount));" .

So I guess maybe something wrong about cuda, the I canceled the --GPU parameter ,run the command line again, this job runs regularly.

What I confused were what's the meanning of this window message" ERROR: empty field for continuation STAR file... " and what's wrong about cuda?

The command is like that:
$mpirun -np 3 relion_refine_mpi  --o Class2D/job006/run --i Extract/job005/ --dont_combine_weights_via_disc --preread_images  --pool 3 --ctf  --iter 25 --tau2_fudge 2 --particle_diameter 200 --K 10 --flatten_solvent  --zero_mask  --oversampling 1 --psi_step 10 --offset_range 5 --offset_step 2 --norm --scale  --j 2 --gpu "0"

Did I said clearly? Thanks in advance.
Best regards.