Hello Luke, 

by immiseration, do you specifically mean the suppression of wage growth in order to increase value from labour time? the extent to which capitalism regulates life in order to control its reproduction, is the extent to which poetry is about immiseration if poetry is about life, or death, or written by a living person under waged conditions? the extent to which a poem looks eye to eye with these conditions - tries to, is able to, obscures itself in failing to - and tries to speak out from the language of prices - is perhaps what you gesture towards in your question.

I'm reading Tongo Eisen-Martin at the moment - some poems available online. 


From: British & Irish poets <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Luke <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 25 February 2018 13:07
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Request for help -- looking for poets of immiseration
First off, my sincere apologies for my glut of inane questions and posts to the list.

I'm writing to ask to find poets, in any language, who are about the misery of shit and badly paid work. Just because everything I've written is super self absorbed and completely trivial. So, to try and reach out from that, well that 'immiseration' is really what I am about (ha). No time for the bucolic nightmare where I live, or some imaginary city, social issues (crises), etc..

Thanks so much for any reply.
