

Dear Friends
happy 2018! One of the first deadlines every year is the submission of abstracts for the EGU meeting in Vienna. The deadline is the 10th of January at 13:00CET.

If you like to consider the sessions I’m co-convening, we have a session for space weather:
ST1.7 - Progress in Space Sciences Fostered by the European Commission - Convener: G. Lapenta, M. Georgoulis , O. Malandraki, E. Kilpua 

Abstract submission link:

Another on turbulence in space plasmas and the link of turbulence and reconnection:
NP6.6/ST1.11 - Turbulence, magnetic reconnection, shocks and particle acceleration - Convener: G. Lapenta, A. Lazarian , A. Retino , I. Sibgatullin, L. Sorriso-Valvo, F. Valentini

Abstract submission link:

Finally a more general session on the simulation and theory of space plasmas:

ST1.3 - Theory and Simulation of Solar System Plasmas - Convener: P. Browning, J. Büchner ,G. Lapenta , S. Yang

Abstract submission link:

Looking forward to receiving lots of abstracts!
Best regards