

Dear All,

I am delighted to announce that the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications has established an inaugural Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series for 2018 which consists of a range of workshops and one-day events that are free for those working in the higher education sector. 

For 2018, there are three events currently scheduled:
Information on these events is now available on the IMA website ( and in the attached PDF leaflet.

Please do circulate to any colleagues who you think may be interested.

As part of this series, we are also finalising plans for an Assessment and Feedback event in the Mathematical Sciences which will be announced in due course.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Michael Grove  FIMA 
Reader, School of Mathematics,
Honorary Secretary (Education) - The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
The University of Birmingham,
B15 2TT.
Tel: 0121 414 8519
Email: [log in to unmask]