Call for Proposals - Extended to 22/1/18
Boundaries in student tutoring and support: working together to enhance student wellbeing
27 - 28 March 2018, United Kingdom
Following discussions with our members and to take in consideration the holiday break/busy marking period  we are extending the proposal deadline for the UKAT Conference for one week in order to ensure that all of you have the opportunity to submit a proposal - the greater diversity of presentations we have at the conference, the stronger the program will be. Therefore the deadline for the conference will be extended to January 22, 2018.
UKAT are excited to offer the 3rd annual conference that will provide an opportunity to explore new research, innovative practice, and contemporary discussion on student support through advising and tutoring. Students can be supported via multiple opportunities, such as personal tutoring, academic advising, professional support services and peer support, mentoring or leadership. Effective collaboration to work across the divide of these educational systems and departments is a challenge across higher and further education, both nationally and internationally.
The conference themes will focus specifically on partnership working across student support systems and the impact that this working can have on the student experience. Abstracts relating to these areas are welcomed to cultivate student-centred discussions within academic advising and tutoring, and should be themed under one of the following;
Submit a Proposal
(Apologies for cross-posting)


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Dave Lochtie
Student Voice & Development Manager
Union of Students, University of Derby
You can give me a call on 01332 592172
Or send me a postcard at Union of Students, University of Derby,
Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB
If you want to find out more about us, check out
Search for us on all social channels: derbyunion
You can talk to me about representation, voice, training & development, FE,
welcome heroes, personal tutoring, music festivals, New Orleans or Game of Thrones
(please Game of Thrones)…
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