

Call for Participation!
What does infrastructuring look like? When does it look like that? 
Workshop at EASST2018: Meetings - Making Science, Technology and Society together
25-28th July 2018, Lancaster University, UK

This workshop takes stock of the recent empirical insights and conceptual developments around the concept of infrastructuring. The aim is to collectively and critically map them, disentangle assumptions, identify blind spots and chart new research opportunities. We will do this through a hands-on approach in which we will read closely, break apart and analyze key infrastructure / infrastructuring discussions. Participants will be asked to dissect related articles and case studies beforehand, during the WS we will collectively gather insights and reconfigure the issues. As a starting point to the collective effort we propose to "draw together" (Latour 2008): "What does infrastructuring look like? and even more importantly: "When does it look like that?" (Star & Ruhleder 1996). 

NOTE: The website of EASST insists this is a panel and that it is closed … but this is a workshop and IT IS OPEN for participation; do let us know if you are interested in joining :), no need to send a paper at this stage, contributions will be experimental

WELCOME! Pre-registration will commence on April 5, details to follow here: <>

Helena Karasti (Oulu University) 
Andrea Botero (Oulu University) 
Hanne Cecilie Geirbo (University of Oslo) 
Sanna Marttila (IT University of Copenhagen) 
Joanna Saad-Sulonen (University of Oulu) 
Chair Karen Baker (University of Oulu) 
Discussant Elena Parmiggiani ((Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Andrea Botero
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Joanna Saad-Sulonen
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Oulu, Finland

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