

Dear Colleagues


If you are interested in children’s content, policy and public service broadcasting, please do come to this event on Wednesday  at the Lewis Silkin legal offices in 5 Chancery Lane, Cliffords Inn Passage, EC4A 1BL (it’s the Fleet Street end of Chancery Lane).  And please share with interested colleagues, students and friends. 


The Children’s Media Foundation are hosting it in connection with Ofcom’s forthcoming Children’s Content Review and Ofcom’s new power to impose regulations on commercial PSBs (ITV, Five, Four).   The deadline for submissions to the review is 31st January.  


If you want some background to the issue I recently published Public service broadcasting, children’s television, and market failure: The case of the United Kingdom in the International Journal of Media Management. 

I have 50 free eprints here 

So please take a look.   But If you can’t access it let me know and I’ll send you a copy anyway!


You can find Ofcom’s review document here and it would be wonderful to have some submissions from other academics.


Ofcom seem to be on a fishing exercise to get more data (they have more data than most academics, advocacy groups and practitioners, but it’s not necessarily the right data and they are not asking the right questions), rather than actually considering the merits for children of encouraging different types of content across different platforms. I’m the only one on the panel of six  who isn’t an industry person, which is a bit worrying. I think Ofcom needs to hear some different arguments, particularly those on the inadequacy of the current data they have on children’s audience behavior and preferences (something which Sonia Livingstone  summed up beautifully  in a recent piece for Media Intenrational Australia) .  It would be great to see other colleagues there.  


Ofcom are saying “we want to hear what people think of our plans for the ten year Review of Children’s Content, which will lead us to some proposals for regulation”....or possibly NOT regulation... there is as strong lobby from the PSBs for “NOT”.


Please do come along.  As Meccsa members sign up for the free ticket option on the  registration site here:

The organisers are also keen to welcome students so please encourage them to come.  Students don’t need to pay.  Just register under the patrons and members bit, unless you want to contribute to CMF.  


Ofcom (Kate Biggs and Claire Normal) ITV (Angus Brooke) C4 (Sophie Jones) and Five (Luciano Chelotti) will be present but don’t want to speak.  They are in listening mode.


I look forward to seeing you there and enjoying a glass of wine afterwards.


Best Jeanette



Jeanette Steemers

Professor of Culture, Media &

Creative Industries

King’s College London

Strand Campus

London WC2R 2LS







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