

Are you attending the OCLC EMEA Regional Council Meeting next month?

OCLC would like to invite you to this exciting, information-packed two-day event which is taking place at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh, Scotland from 20-21 February 2018.

Join fellow OCLC member leaders at the EMEA Regional Council meeting and address the challenge of supporting increasingly personalised customer relationships while also scaling to meet growth in population, materials and expectations. We live in the age of Alexa, big data, autonomous cars, smart everything. What does this mean for libraries, their services and their value? Together we’ll look at how “smarter libraries” can remake user experiences to be more customised, effective and intuitive. We’ll investigate ways to leverage data to improve both services and outcomes. And we’ll see how, by applying and strengthening our professional values, libraries can strengthen the communities they serve. All with the never-ending requirement to innovate and reimagine every facet of the library.

To register or to find out more, please visit