

Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory


School of Advanced Study • University of London


Thursday 1 February 2018, 14:30-16:30


Posthuman Transcultural Memory in European Fiction and Visual Culture

Room 246, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


Speakers: Hannah Kershaw (York); Matthew Mild; David Lomas (Manchester)


From the natural sciences to anthropology, from literary theory to medicine, the posthuman has been called upon to innovate disciplinary discourses by articulating what had been unthinkable, unsayable, and untheorisable: the possible obsolescence of the very subject who formulated them.


This seminar will discuss posthuman transcultural memory in British Muslim fiction, migrant German and Italian fiction, and French visual culture. The three panelists will draw on the 2017 Utrecht ACLA posthuman seminar in their overview on transcultural memory and posthuman studies. Because “humanity” is never neutral or abstract but always embodied within specifications of gender, sexuality, class, race, ability, an analysis of the posthuman can productively engage all of these categories. The posthuman opens a space for contamination and intersectionality. This can be fruitfully applied both to ways of conceiving, impersonating, and representing subjects and to ways of producing, organising, and disseminating remembrance


All are welcome to attend this free event. Space is limited so please book in advance



Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory

Institute of Modern Languages Research

School of Advanced Study | University of London
Room 239 | Senate House | Malet Street | London WC1E 7HU | UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7862 8738