

          Call for Demos - LAST CALL

Seventeenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

Important Dates

Demonstration Submission: ***** 16th of February 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) *****

Author Notification: 29th of March 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)

Camera Ready Submission: 7th of May 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)

Information for Authors

The goal of the AAMAS Demo track is to provide opportunities for participants from 
academia and industry to present their latest developments in agent-based and robotic 
systems. Interactive systems and novel applications are particularly welcome.
Two “Best Demo” awards will be assigned by the Program Committee to recognize the
 most innovative demo (the one with the most original and significant research
 methodologies) and the best application demo (the one with the highest impact in 
a real-world application).

For further information:

Demonstration Chairs:

Alessandro Farinelli (University of Verona)

Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)