I’m not positive what the issue is, but it’s possible this is an “update” problem.  When the selected peak is changed, then if the Assignment Panel has been opened during the session (even if it is not currently opened), that dialog needs updating.  And one of the things it updates in that dialog is the list of structures in the pulldown menu at the top right.  I think (but I’d have to chase the code some more to confirm) that that involves loading all the structure files for the molSystems that correspond to the experiment for that peak.  (And there might be some other related issue that I haven’t found yet.)  Now if you click one peak in an experiment and then another peak in the same experiment, the code is (I think) clever enough not to reload the structures the second time, but if those take up a lot of memory then it might just slow everything down.  For the experiments you mention below with differing behaviour, do they have the same molSystems?  (If so then it must be some other issue thatn what I have mentioned here.)


On 16 Jan 2018, at 00:24, Pawloski <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Thanks for the response Wayne. I have been doing a lot of runs, and I have noticed lag when working with the restraints or structure windows when there were a lot of objects. I have been pruning these as the project develops. However I don't see how this could be translated to a spectrum, unless theres some other data generated? I have also been pruning peaklists. Reloading the spectrum as a new experiment has a little lag when selecting peaks, but after transferring the peaklist the problem resumes fully. 

I loaded a new NOESY spectrum, which was the same experiment with less scans. The issue persists. A tocsy experiment from the same window, and a 13C NOESY with more peaks, do not induce the lag.

Any advice would be appreciated.