

Dear all,

We are very pleased to announce the fourth annual 'CCP-EM Spring Symposium'. 

The conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes as well as showcasing outstanding recent applications. We promote an inclusive, friendly atmosphere welcoming both old and new to the community. Topics range from detector developments, image processing, single particle reconstruction, high resolution model building & validation, machine learning, tomography and electron diffraction.

The conference will be held 11-12th April at Keele University 2018 conference centre. Confirmed speakers include:

Mark Basham (Diamond)
Sacha de Carlo (Dectris)
Ana Casanal (MRC-LMB)
Peter Cherepanov (Crick Institute) 
Paul Emsley (MRC-LMB)
Hans-Werner Fink (Zurich University)
Achilleas Frangakis (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Tim Gruene (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Nicola Guerrini (STFC)
Ben Himes (Janelia)
Arjen Jakobi (TU Delft)
Corinne Smith (University of Warwick)
Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano (CSIC Madrid)
Chris Russo (MRC-LMB)
Beata Turonova (EMBL)
Giulia Zanetti (Birkbeck)
Kai Zhang (MRC-LMB)
Xiaodong Zhang (Imperial)

Registration site:

Registration fees:
PI/Industrial: £175.00
Student/PostDoc: £100.00

We have also ensured reasonably priced accomodation is available from Keele University (£70/room/night; available on registration).

Best wishes,

Tom, Helen, Colin & Martyn

Dr Tom Burnley, PhD
CCP-EM | @ccp_em |

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