

If you are right about McNish, Jamie, it means she can't be that intelligent despite going to Cambridge etc. Either that or she is just after celebrity - probably the latter

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Jamie McKendrick wrote:

I think this connection makes sense with regard to Watts’s piece. And the irony of an Oxbridge education which Drew refers to in McNIsh’s case being put at the service of a dumbing down of language has parallels in the whole Brexit debate and is eerily reminiscent of Gove’s dismissal of the economists’ forecasts - ‘we’ve had enough of experts’. The Catalan Independence movement (with its racist and genetic theories lurking not very far in the background) has evident parallels with Brexit - see Farage’s hearty endorsement, but also the support of writers such as Colm Toibin, propagandising for Puigdement in the Guardian and LRB, and a raft of academics like Terry Eagleton and Tariq Ali who perhaps think they’re taking the just side in a replay of the Spanish Civil War.
  This doesn’t mean McNish would share the politics of Trump or Brexit - which she may well hate - but Watts’ diagnosis of the way the pretence of authenticity and honesty makes this overbearing and populist appeal through social media is worth considering.
