This new report -- I've just received it this morning -- looks very interesting from a psycho-societal perspective and also from a BNIM life-history narrative perspective. 
 It has a very strong notion of POWER which is unabashedly psycho-societal (from informal to highly societally-structured)  as  generating THREATS to individuals of a whole variety of kinds, and  the exploration of how  people make MEANING of such threats and then RESPOND corresponds to the type of psychsocietal research to which we are committed.

The positives of psychosocietal power are not explored in this report, I think, but are inferrable.

I strongly recommend getting some sort of a sense of  this framework for thinking, new paradigm,  --  I  personally found scanning the long version easier than the trying to read the shorter one,

Best wishes 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cromby, John J. (Dr.) <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 15 January 2018 at 14:18
Subject: The 'Power Threat Meaning' Framework
To: [log in to unmask]


The Division of Clinical Psychology of the BPS has just published a report describing a new framework for understanding mental ill health that does not depend on psychiatric diagnostic categories.

The 'Power Threat Meaning Framework' was launched at a conference in London last Friday:

The report comes in two versions - an overview (142 pages) and the full document (414 pages). Both are freely available to download from the above link.

best wishes



John Cromby

Reader in Psychology

Head of Division (Innovation, Technology & Operations)

ULSB, University of Leicester

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