

Dear AVA members,

We are organising a new monthly talk series that may be of interest to members in London. 
Vision @UCL Talks will feature eminent international vision scientists, bridging the fields of psychophysics, physiology, neuroimaging, and computational modelling. All are welcome to join, and talks will be followed by informal drinks. Each talk will also be accompanied by an interdisciplinary workshop for UCL PhD students.
Our first talk will be on Thursday 25th January: 
Speaker: Tomas Knapen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title: Mapping the dark side: retinotopic organization in the default mode network
Time and Location: 4pm, G03, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP.
The brain's default network (DN) represents the highest level of integration in cortex, activating during cognitive acts such as autobiographical memory, semantic processing, and mind wandering. Puzzlingly, the DN consistently deactivates during sensory task engagement, with the structure and function of these deactivations so far unclear. I will present results showing that in its deactivations, the DN inherits the retinotopic organisation of the visual system. This indicates that sensory systems and the DN engage in a push-pull process, arranging their communications according to the sensor array layout: the brain’s Lingua Franca. The balance of this push-pull process emphasises processing either on externally sourced, visual information processing or on internally sourced information processing relevant in memory and social cognition.
Next month we will continue on Wednesday 21st February: 
Speaker: Kalanit Grill-Spector, Stanford University
Title: tba
Time and Location: 4pm, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP.
More to come! For further updates and more information visit our website at:
And subscribe to our mailing list for future updates at:

Best wishes,

John Greenwood, Ph.D.
MRC Career Development Fellow

Experimental Psychology 
University College London
+44 (0) 20 7679 1020