

MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology, University College London

3+ PhD Studentships in Medical Statistics and/or Clinical Trials Methodology

Tuition Fees + Stipend starting at £16,553 per annum

At least three full-time MRC-funded PhD studentships are available at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (UCL<>) in the Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology<> (ICTM), commencing between March 2018 and September 2018 (by agreement). The studentships cover UK/EU tuition fees and a tax-free maintenance stipend over three years. The stipend is currently £16,553 per annum but may increase in September 2018.

The following projects are available:

  *   Statistical methods for adjusting for treatment changes in randomised trials
  *   Assessing and creating impact of methodological research to improve clinical study design, conduct and analysis
  *   One-stage models for meta-analysis
  *   Improving assessment and monitoring of neurocognitive function in clinical studies involving HIV+ participants
  *   Exploring the implications of analysing time-to-event outcomes as binary in meta-analysis
  *   Design and analysis of trials with multiple primary outcomes
  *   Methodology to maximise the potential of  evaluating many therapies within a single protocol and developing Living Trial Protocols
  *   Another project in methodology for clinical trials to be negotiated with potential supervisors at the unit

Closing Date: 5th February 2018, 11:59pm

For further information, details of the projects, eligibility for the studentships, who to contact to discuss them, and how to apply please visit:

Dr Andrew Copas
Reader in Medical Statistics

Graduate Tutor (Research)
MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Institute for Clinical Trials and Methodology
Director, Centre for Pragmatic Global Health Trials
Institute for Global Health

University College London
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