

Call for Papers

LatinR <- Latin American Conference about the Use of R in Research + Development

The Argentinian Informatics Society (Sociedad Argentina de Informática, SADIO ) is organizing the inaugural LatinR symposium within the 47th Argentinian Meeting of Informatics and Operational Research (Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa, JAIIO ) that will take place between September 4 and 5, 2018 in Buenos Aires.
JAIIO proposes an interdisciplinary approach to socio-technical problems and practices that emerge from the rapid advance of information and communication technologies in society. We invite researchers, technologists, developers, educators, and companies to submit abstracts related to the use of the R programming environment, ranging from research and experimental instances to applications, demonstrations of applications, and commercial use.

Topics of interest
● Applications of R in academic and industrial disciplines. We would like to cover all fields of knowledge in an interdisciplinary way (e.g., Data Science, Statistics, Informatics, Biological and Health Sciences, Bioinformatics, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Economy, Finance, Business, Journalism, …)
● Applications of R together with other programming languages
● Innovative uses of existing R packages
● New R packages
● R packages development
● Innovative uses of R in education
● Reproducible data analysis using R
● Big data and R
● Machine learning and R
● R visualization tools
● Open data analysis with R

Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: April 13, 2018
Abstract acceptance notification: June 22, 2018
Abstract final version submission and author registration deadlines: July 9, 2018
LatinR: September 4-5, 2018

Abstract submissions
All abstracts submitted must be related to LatinR’s topics of interest. We will accept oral
communications and posters.

Oral communications
There are three formats for oral communications:
1. Communications about research results, progress reports, or specific developments of interest to the regional community of R users. These oral communications are for work not previously published or presented in any other event. The submission must include an extended abstract, with a maximum length of 2 pages, including keywords, texts, and figures.
2. Communications about works previously presented in an international event outside of Latin America or published in an international non-Latin American journal during the years 2016 to 2018. The goal of these communications is that active researchers disseminate work of wide international interest within Latin America. These oral communications will require submitting a one-page abstract including the abstract of the original publication together with the event/journal, date, URL Access, or DOI where it was previously published.
3. Demonstration of an application (demo) where authors can present results of projects
developed using R (e.g., Shiny applications or other platforms that include the use of R). This type of oral communications will have the possibility of obtaining feedback from potential users, as well as, the development of particularly innovative applications or processes in private companies or by independent professionals. The aim of demos is to exchange experiences acquired in practice. Success cases are as welcome as cases of problems encountered with the application of a specific methodology or technology.
The submission of oral communications of a demo should include: (i) a one-page abstract
describing the application or process, its objectives, problems it solves, audience of users for whom it is intended, and technology used and (ii) a URL of a version of the demo if applicable (in cases it can be executed online) or, alternatively, a URL with a short (5 minutes maximum) video showing demo’s main features. All oral communications accepted will be orally presented during LatinR. The abstracts of the oral communications will be included in LatinR Annals.

Posters allow researchers and professionals to present and discuss their latest advances, ideas, ongoing research, and experiences or challenges related to the topics of interest of LatinR. Posters submissions must include a one-page abstract, including all text, tables and figures. Accepted abstracts will be included in the LatinR Annals.
Common format for all abstracts Abstracts must be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English and must comply with the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format, with A4 sheet size and 10 point typography. The following template provided by Springer should be used: .

All abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, without authors or affiliation until the review process is completed. Abstracts must have enough space to include, in its final version, all authors and affiliations.

Abstract submissions to any of the 47 JAIIO Symposia will proceed through SADIO’s conference management system . To submit your work you need to be registered (or register ) to access the system . For further information and frequently asked questions, please see these instructions . All abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee, taking into account their originality, contribution, technical quality, and clarity. At least one of the authors of accepted abstracts must be registered for JAIIO before July 9, 2018 to be included LatinR Annals. At least one author of accepted abstracts is required to attend LatinR on the date and time indicated in the program. Be aware that works whose authors do not attend to the presentation will be removed from LatinR Annals. In case of a major emergency, authors may send a duly authorized representative
to present work on their behalf.

Laura Ación (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires; Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires; R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Natalia da Silva (Instituto de Estadística, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración, Universidad de la República; R-Ladies Montevideo, Uruguay)
Riva Quiroga (Facultad de Letras, Universidad Católica de Chile; R-Ladies Santiago, Chile)

Scientific committee
Marcela Alfaro Córdoba (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
Ignacio Álvarez-Castro (Universidad de la República-IESTA, Uruguay)
Luis Argerich (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Stephan Arndt (University of Iowa, USA)
Lucas Bali (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Ana Bianco (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mathias Bourel (Universidad de la República-IESTA-FING, Uruguay)
Inés Caridi (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Ariel Chernomoretz (CONICET-Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina)
Marina Cock (CONICET-La Pampa, Argentina)
Mario Cortina Borja (University College London, UK)
Gustavo Denicolay (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Carlos Diuk (Facebook, USA)
Andrés Farall (Universidad de Buenos Aires, EcoClimaSol, Argentina)
María Inés Fariello (Universidad de la República-FING & Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay)
Ileana Frasier (CONICET-INTA - La Pampa, Argentina)
Juan José Goyeneche (Universidad de la República-IESTA, Uruguay)
Leandro Lombardi (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Fundación Sadosky, Argentina)
Diana Kelmansky (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Estefanía Mancini (Centre for Genomic Regulation, España)
Priscilla Minotti (3iA-UNSAM, Argentina)
Ricardo Olea (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)
Adriana Pérez (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Marcelo Risk (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Cecilia Ruz (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Lucía Spangenberg (Instituto Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay)
Marcelo Soria (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Walter Sosa Escudero (CONICET-Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina)
Nicolás Stier Moses (Facebook, USA; Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina)
Daniel Yankelevich (Practia, Argentina)

Organizing committee
Mónica Alonso (Banco Ciudad, R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Yanina Bellini Saibene (INTA, R-Ladies Santa Rosa, Argentina)
Elio Campitelli (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Paola Corrales (Universidad de Buenos Aires, R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maria Florencia D’Andrea (CONICET-INTA, R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Gabriela de Queiroz (SelfScore, R-Ladies Global and San Francisco, USA)
Flavia Fernández ( )
Fabiana Flores (INTI, R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Lourdes Milagros Mendoza Villavicencio (UFRN, R-Ladies Natal, Brazil)
Iara Passos (UFRGS, R-Ladies Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Celina Rebello (R-Ladies Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Gabriela Sandoval (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, R-Ladies Santiago, Chile)
Daniela Vázquez (R-Ladies Montevideo, Uruguay)

Contact information
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Twitter: @LatinR2018 (#LatinR2018 and #47JAIIO hashtags)

Mario Cortina Borja
Professor of Biostatistics | UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
Faculty of Population Health Sciences
University College London
30 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1EH
020 7905 2113
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