George Osborne, formerly Chancellor of Exchequer, was driven by the need to shrink the Welfare State // the size of the State .Purely ideological and clouded ‘by spin’ that was well designed and implemented. Social care has been cut by over 30% with Tory areas getting preferential treatment.  NHS funding has grown but inadequately at a small annual real rate which is insufficient to meet demand increases sufficient to fund new technologies and ageing. NHS successes in keeping the likes me alive mean I survive to consume even more marginally effect/costly care (familiar?!) Gap between estimated growth funding and government cash allocations now circa 4 to 1.5%
The Right now admit the existence of a funding gap and press for private insurance funding increases or ‘ear-marked taxation’
May’s minions are more covert than Trump’s psychopaths in disguising ideologically motivated redistribution!
Best wishes as ever from the asylum in your east
Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Jan 2018, at 16:48, Joseph White <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

uhh... the NHS is being run by the same kind of people who are trying to destroy the U.S. health care system?  This isn't about
design, it's about right-wing governments.

Or am I wrong?

(stipulating that there has been all sorts of highly questionable "reform" in the NHS as well - partly from elite market/management
ideology but partly also in order to say budget squeezes won't hurt because reorganization will increase efficiency)

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 11:07 AM, Jost, Timothy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

It might be helpful if some of our British colleagues could provide the American press with a more nuanced view of what is going on in Britain than this:


Timothy Stoltzfus Jost

Emeritus Professor, Washington and Lee University School of Law

1370 Lincolnshire Drive

Harrisonburg, Va. 22802

(540) 564-2524

Cell (540) 421-1529

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