

If you can coregister the fMRI of each subject to match the corresponding
anatomical scan, then you can apply the same Dartel transforms to the
fMRI.  Make sure you don't move the anatomical scans during the
coregistration.  You have to move only the fMRI, otherwise things will
become messed up.

Best regards,

On 4 December 2017 at 15:35, Xixi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi SPMers,
> I have a problem with VBM8 data processing. I have no idea how to
> normalize the fMRI data to the customized Dartel template.
> My steps for generating the template and subsequent normalization was as
> following:
> 1)  “Estimate and Write” module: select the option 'DARTEL export' and
> 'affine' for 'Gray matter' and 'White matter' in Writing Options; select
> the option 'Image->Template (forward)' for 'Deformation Field'  (outputs:
> rp1*_affine.nii, rp2*_affine.nii and y_r*.nii)
> 2)  'Run DARTEL (create Templates) module': Use the  rp1*_affine.nii ,
> rp2*_affine.nii generated in step1 as inputs (outputs: Template_0~6.nii and
> u_r*.nii)
> 3) 'Normalise to MNI space' module: Select Template_6.nii as Dartel
> Template and use the origin T1 images as input image files.
> My question is that, is my processing correct and how can I normalize the
> individual fMRI data using the same transformation in T1?
> And another question is that how can I get the transformation information
> which warped the p1*.nii to rp1*_affine.nii?
> Sincerely
> xixi

Prof John Ashburner
Professor of Imaging Science
UCL Institute of Neurology
Queen Square
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
University College London
12 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG
E: [log in to unmask]  T: +44 (0)20 3448 4365