

Dear Don,

I remain fascinated with an idea from Make magazine;  Turn ageing Libraries into FabLabs.

My PhD has me making in the Wearable Senses Lab at TU/Eindhoven.  The faculty who created and maintain this design lab have a great idea:
Make a place not only to make things, but also maintain a repository of explorations, artefacts, prototypes and material swatches. It is incredibly valuable.

I hear from colleagues in California that there is a reason their designs are small. It is because the design had to fit on their desk. Seems like there is opportunity to change that.

~/ Troy Nachtigall
Marie Skłodowska–Curie Research<> Fellow ArcInTexETN<>
Eindhoven University of Technology<> - Industrial Design<>
ArcInTexETN <> Blog<>,<>, c: +3161139<>1482 @stitchandsolder<>

PS. I write in the mornings. For urgent matters, please call twice.

On 3 Dec 2017, at 19:23, Don Norman <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

I'm looking for help.

I have agreed to give a Keynote talk to the University of California
Librarians on February 28 on February 28 (the conference is called
"Building the UC Digital Library"). This is for the librarians of all 10
campuses of the UC system.

I want to use Design Thinking to figure out what the 21st-century
University library is about. What is the core issues it should work on? How
might it be approached? I do NOT want to repeat the same issues and
arguments that have long been discussed.  e.g., Not about the value of
electronic versus print, the value of different media, the copyright

Note that the conference I will be talking about states this as its goal:

The inaugural 2018 University of California Digital Library Forum (UC DLFx)
"Building the UC Digital Library: Theory and Practice" will explore a range
of topics such as engaging, enhancing our communities and creating data
from materials at our respective University of California libraries;
demystifying data curation; project collaboration; using emerging
technologies such as 3D scanning to enhance access, and creating a UC
system wide standard for born digital archival material.

Because my talk is for University of California librarians, the problems of
a University Library are very different from that of a public or community
library. Thus, many cities are transforming their libraries into wonderful
community engagement spaces. In my recent travels, the Amsterdam
(Netherlands) holiday is one example. The new San Diego Library is yet
another -- it even houses a high-school within it.  This, however, is not a
sufficient model for a University library.

(I have already spent time talking with the UCSD Head Librarian: I did not
get inspired.)

I have gathered together students from the design lab to observe and talk
with library users: students, staff, faculty, researchers, bums, derelicts,
the homeless, ....   We will do the normal data=-gathering, ideation, etc.

Most people on this list are at universities where the same issues might
exist. What is the future of the library in this age of electronic media
that can readily be accessed from home or office or anywhere there is

So PhD-Design list: Any ideas?   or do we simply turn the vast space that a
library requires into study halls?

I want to make this exciting and thought-provoking. It might be completely
impossible, as long as it causes people to think.


Don Norman
Prof. and Director, DesignLab, UC San Diego
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