

Following on the from success of the York Conference on Church Music held in February 2017, the organising committee for Church Music & Worship invite proposals for this two-day international conference to be held in the Pemberton Rooms at Durham University and Prior’s Hall at Durham Cathedral on the 27 and 28 April 2018.

Keynote addresses will be delivered by Professor Jeremy Dibble (Professor in the Department of Music, Durham University) & The Rev’d Dr Maggi Dawn (Dean of Marquand Chapel, and Associate Professor of Theology and Literature, Yale University, USA).

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit proposals which engage with a range of methodologies and perspectives on church music and worship, from academic and practice-based viewpoints. Proposals are encouraged on the broad theme of church music and worship which may address, but need not be limited to, the following topics:

  *   Church music and liturgy
  *   Church music and the media
  *   Church music compositional practice
  *   Church music, gender, and sexualities
  *   Historical perspectives on Church music
  *   International perspectives on Church music
  *   Theologies of musical worship

Please find information on our website<> about how to submit a proposal and our supporters. Any questions at all may be directed to the chair of the conference committee, Enya Doyle, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

CfP Deadline: 15 January 2018

We particularly welcome submissions from postgraduate students.

We also welcome scholars who may want to or have to bring children with them.

Enya HL Doyle DipLCM FRSA
St Matthias Trust PhD Scholar
Music and Theology

Centre for Nineteenth Century Studies Administrator

Music Department Lead Student Mentor
St John's College Pastoral Tutor
Trevelyan College Mentor

Twitter and Instagram @enyadoyle