

Message from the MIST mailing list.

Dear All

NERC will announce the 2nd round of their Doctoral Training Partnerships 
(DTP2) in January 2018.

It is clear that we all have had significant issues engaging with our 
respective DTPs or Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), despite 
MIST-science being listed as components of these PhD programmes.

Whatever else we are trying to achieve with NERC to rectify the lack of 
students in our area, it is imperative that you all engage fully with 
your DTP renewal bids and ensure that Space Weather plays a significant 
role in each proposal.

I will try and touch base with points of contact at each institute, but 
please do start thinking about this.  We only get one chance every 5 
years to change this, please make it count.



Dr. I. Jonathan Rae,
Reader and Head, Space Plasmas Group,
Dept. of Space and Climate Physics,
Mullard Space Science Laboratory,           Tel: +44 1483 204128
University College London,                  Fax: +44 1483 278312
Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK.

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