Hi Neil,

I agree with your concerns. It is questionable whether this classification will produce ethnicity data that is of quality. There was no ‘UK National Census’ but separate censuses for the home countries. Moreover, there were no ‘White European’, ‘Black British’, or ‘Asian British’ tick boxes in the England and Wales 2011 Census. This classification lacks tick boxes for the ‘Gypsy or Irish Traveller’, ‘Bangladeshi’, and ‘Arab’ groups, as well as omitting the four mixed/multiple categories. The census question is about ethnic self-identity and recognition, giving those of mixed/multiple ethnicity an opportunity to use appropriate options rather than ‘other’. There appear to be two residual ‘other ethnic group’ categories in this question: ‘other (please specify)’ and ‘Any other ethnicity’. Census ethnicity questions go through an extensive process of cognitive research and question testing and therefore meet both high technical standards and levels of acceptability to form-fillers. Lacking the section headings of the census ethnic group question, respondents may find it difficult to navigate their way through this manufactured set of categories.

Best regards,


From: Health of minority ethnic communities in the UK <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of David Truswell <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 07 December 2017 10:41
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Survey Monkey - short survey of Dementia information and BAME communities in the UK.
Hi Neale

Good to hear from you and I take the point but apart from the fact that people who are mixed race can use some of the other categories e.g. Black British, which is one of the categories I often tick for myself, I made or indicate some other combination in the ‘other’ category I was faced with asking people just to self describe or an very protracted debate about just how many many categories we have ( I missed out plenty of census categories). My preference was to simply ask respondents if they would identify themselves as from an ethnic minority group ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but partnership considerations and time pressures led to a compromise. 

I’m sorry you feel down by that Neale as I respect your option.

Kind Regards

David Truswell

Sent from my iPad

On 7 Dec 2017, at 10:10, Sanyal, Neil <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi David,

I hope you are well these days. I thought I would just give you some feedback on this survey. It’s great apart from one massive gap! The ethnicity choices in the first question do not include Mixed Race/Heritage/Parentage and yet the notes attached to the question about those choices states that they come from the National Census!!


I was more than disappointed in that. I may not be the only person who will be disappointed either!!






Neil Sanyal
Social Worker/AMHP
Adult Mental Health New Forest Substance Misuese Social Care Team
Lymington Area Office


SO41 9YB
Tel: 01590 625120

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From: David Truswell [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 06 December 2017 13:02
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Survey Monkey - short survey of Dementia information and BAME communities in the UK.



Dear All

Dementia Diversity Xchange Network (DDXN) and the Dementia Alliance for Culture & Ethnicity (DACE) are working together to make the case for better pubic recognition of the information and support needed by people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities living with dementia and their family carers. To help us make our case to central government to improve information and support please participate in the survey and disseminate the link below via your websites, social media feeds and online newsletters.



 Thanks for your support


Kind Regards


David Truswell


Chair, Dementia Alliance for Culture and Dementia


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