The 2017 LIHNN Christmas Study Day (#LIHNNXmas17) took place at the The Park Royal Hotel on the 5 December.

Keynote Speakers

Academy of Fab Stuff@FabNHSStuff - Dani Gillett and Leeanne Lockley

The Director of Health Libraries North Award

This was awarded to Katie Nicholas

The LIHNN Quality Improvement Awards

Gold Award: Facilitating Research amongst Radiographers Through Information literacy Workshops - Emily Hurt (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Silver Award: Validate Your Care Online Learning Portal - John Bramwell and Paul O'Sullivan (Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)

Bronze Award: Resources and Directory for the North West Armed Forces Champions Network - Katie Nicholas and Emily Hopkins (HEE)

The LIHNN Quality Improvement Awards – Three Minutes of Madness

Winner: Collaborative Purchasing of Ebooks - Mary Hill and Paula Elliott (Greater Manchester Health Libraries)








Runners Up:

Care Certificate Support Workshop - Linda Taylor (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Citation Management- Tim Jacobs (Christie NHS Foundation Trust)
Leadership Book Club - Emma Child (Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
Evidence Bites ​ - Victoria Treadway (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Randomised Chocolate Trial - Linda Taylor and Victoria Treadway (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Books for Patients - Mary Hill (Christie NHS Foundation Trust)

The Best LIHNNK-Up Article of 2016

Keyll Darree Goes Stateside - Jess Webb & Stacey Astill

Escape The Room!









The LIHNN Christmas Quiz 2017 (plus answers)


"Always a great opportunity to hear about the innovative things going on in health libraries. It was also nice to hear from the Fab team about the work going on around NHS Change Week."

"Listening to great ideas from the quality awards and 3 minutes of madness. I enjoyed the 'escape the room' exercise. Just the chance to network with colleagues and meet new people from the network."

"Fantastic range of presentations. Entertaining and engaging day."

Things People Said They Are Going To Do Differently In The Workplace As A Result Of Attending This Event

"I will be talking to my manager about v-care as it looked like a really good idea. Also the teaching resources Emily shared will be really useful!"

"I am going to get in touch with Tim Jacobs to find out more about his work with reference management software, as it's something we've struggled with for a while and he was sharing a potential solution."

"I will take the escape the room activity to my manager and see if we can run something similar in our Human Factors training"

"Share more of the 'fab' things we do."

"Fresh ideas for engaging with research."