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Passionate and Pious

Religious Media and Black Women's Sexuality

Monique Moultrie

   “Monique Moultrie’s bold book is a must-read for those who refuse to allow black churches to remain irrelevant and irreverent in their failure to develop positive images for black bodies and sexuality. By focusing on the often-horrific messages that churches give black women, Moultrie provides a guide for black women to examine their sexual values and truths and offers a rich ethic to live our lives sexually and morally free.”–Emilie M. Townes, author of Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil

"By examining black church women's increased adherence to faith-based sexuality ministries womanist ethicist Monique Moultrie, provides us with a robust and important starting point for meaningful twenty-first-century dialogue on Christian sexuality. This is a valuable read for scholars, church leaders, and laypersons."–Marla F. Frederick, author of Colored Television: American Religion Gone Global

 In Passionate and Pious Monique Moultrie explores the impact of faith-based sexual ministries on black women's sexual agency to trace how these women navigate sexuality, religious authority, and their spiritual walk with God. Providing churchwomen a space to candidly discuss these issues, these popular ministries exist largely beyond the traditional church, with dialogues about sex taking place in chat rooms and through text messages, social media, email, and other media. Moultrie foregrounds televangelist Juanita Bynum's construction of the black Christian sexual identity these ministries promote while emphasizing how churchwomen reconcile these prescriptive identities with their individual experiences. What does it mean for senior women to exercise sexual agency when their church standing could be questioned? What does celibacy mean for women who experience same-sex desire while believing that such desire goes against God's will? Advancing a womanist sexual ethics, Moultrie reframes biblical interpretations and conceptions of what constitutes a healthy relationship to provide a basis for sexual decision making that does not privilege monogamy or deny female pleasure, thereby calling on black churchwomen to experience responsible and life-enhancing sex.

Monique Moultrie is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Georgia State University and coeditor of the revised edition of A Guide for Women in Religion: Making Your Way from A to Z.

Duke University Press | December 2017 | 200pp | 7 illus. | 9780822370048 | PB | £19.99*

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