

Hi FSL experts,

I am getting different M0 value from asl_calib i.e.1.243, whereas
oxford_asl gives M0 value=1.024. Below are command used for asl_calib:
asl_calib -i perfusion -o perf_cal -s structural_brain --mode longtr
--tissref csf --te 0.0159 --tr 4.55 --Mo Mo.txt -c calib -t asl2struct.mat

oxford_asl -i diffdata --tis 3.2 -o oxford_wp -s structural_brain -t
asl2struct.mat --casl --bolus 1.4 --fixbolus --report --te 0.0159 --tr 4.55
--cmethod voxel -c calib --alpha 0.85 -m mask --wp

I want to know why there is differences in M0 values, calculated from
asl_calib and oxford_asl and how is csf (reference tissue) used in
calibration of perfusion map? Kindly help.

Thank you,
Archana V. Malagi,
PhD Scholar,
Centre for Biomedical Engineering,
IIT Delhi-110 016
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