

Diolch o galon!


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2017-11-13 10:19 GMT+01:00 Claire Richards <[log in to unmask]>:

Rhag ofn nad yw Siôn o gwmpas i ateb...


Mewn deddfwriaeth ddwyieithog ‘heb ragfarnu’ a ddefnyddir yn Gymraeg fel arfer lle ceir ‘without prejudice to’ yn Saesneg.


Dyna a geir hefyd mewn dogfennau telerau ac amodau gwahanol gyrff e.e. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru “heb ragfarnu darpariaethau / hawliau”.





From: Discussion of Welsh language technical terminology and vocabulary [mailto:WELSH-TERMAU-CYMRAEG@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of anna gruffydd
Sent: 13 November 2017 09:02
To: [log in to unmask]AC.UK
Subject: Re: passing off


Gan dy fod yn ddyn sy'n dallt y dalltins yn y maes yma, ga i bigo dy frens di?


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Dwi'n gwegian braidd ynghylch yr ymadrodd coch. Mae GyrA yn cynnig 'heb ymrwymiad' etc ar gyfer 'without prejudice',  'heb wneud niwed/drwg' ar gyfer 'without prejudice to'. Dwi'n rhyw feddwl mai'r ail sy nesa at yr ystyr, ond mae'n swnio i mi braidd yn ddiriaethol (c.f. withiout prejudice to life or limb, er enghraifft). Dydi'r cwsmer ddim yn medru'r Gymraeg felly rhyw feddwl y gallet ti fy rhoi ar ben ffordd yn well na fo.


Diolch ymlaen law



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Ye who opt for cut'n'paste

Tread with care and not in haste!


2017-11-11 13:04 GMT+01:00 Sion Rees Williams <00000442721f6ef0-dmarc-[log in to unmask]>:

Annwyl Anna,

Cofio astudio hyn ar gyfer fy ngradd gyntaf.

Mae X (neu Cwmni X) yn honni mai ei enw ef yw'r gwreiddiol tra bod Y yn cymryd mantais o hyn er mwyn masnachu'n llwyddiannus o dan enw X a gwneud elw ar draul X. Yn anffodus, Saesneg oedd cyfrwng fy ngradd i, felly ni ddysgais y term yn Gymraeg.

Mae Robin Lewis yn "Geiriadur y Gyfraith" yn awgrymu "peri coel" ar gyfer yr ymadrodd "to pass off."

Gyda llaw, mae achos adnabyddus o Brifysgol Yale (UDA) erlyn Coleg I^al (Cymru) am "passing off" ei enw nhw - a buont yn llwyddiannus. (Er mai un a'i gyn-deidiau o'r fro yng Nhymru, Elihu Yale, a roddodd ei enw i'r Brifysgol yn yr UDA:

Elihu Yale's ancestry can be traced back to the family estate at Plas yn Iâl near the village of LlandeglaDenbighshireWales.[2] The name Yale is the English spelling of the Welsh place name Iâl.

Elihu Yale 

In 1718, at the behest of either Rector Samuel Andrew or the colony's Governor Gurdon SaltonstallCotton Mather contacted the successful Boston born businessman Elihu Yale to ask him for financial help in constructing a new building for the college. Through the persuasion of Jeremiah Dummer, Yale, who had made a fortune through trade while living in Madras as a representative of the East India Company, donated nine bales of goods, which were sold for more than £560, a substantial sum at the time. Cotton Mather suggested that the school change its name to "Yale College". (The name Yale is the Anglicised spelling of the Welsh toponym, Iâl. from the family estate at Plas yn Iâl near the village of LlandeglaDenbighshireWales).Yale University 

Pob dynuniasd da,


Yale University

Chartered by Connecticut Colony, the "Collegiate School" was established by clergy in Saybrook Colony ...



Elihu Yale



On Saturday, 11 November 2017, 9:35, anna gruffydd <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


In common law countries such as EnglandAustralia and New Zealandpassing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce unregistered trade mark rights. The tort of passing off protects the goodwill of a trader from misrepresentation.

The law of passing off prevents one trader from misrepresenting goods or services as being the goods and services of another, and also prevents a trader from holding out his or her goods or services as having some association or connection with another when this is not true.


Unrhyw gymorth plis?



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