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The Dangers of Openly Sharing and Covertly Collecting Data

Clare Birchall

In an era of open data and ubiquitous dataveillance, what does it mean to “share”? This book argues that we are all “shareveillant” subjects, called upon to be transparent and render data open at the same time as the security state invests in practices to keep data closed. Drawing on Jacques Rancière’s “distribution of the sensible,” Clare Birchall reimagines sharing in terms of a collective political relationality beyond the veillant expectations of the state.

Clare Birchall is senior lecturer at King’s College London. She is author of Knowledge Goes Pop: From Conspiracy Theory to Gossip and coeditor of New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory.

University Of Minnesota Press | Forerunners: Ideas First | September 2017 | 86pp |  9781517904258 | Paperback | £7.99*

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 *Price subject to change.

 **Offer excludes the Americas, Australia, New Zealand & Japan.

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