thanks Alistair for this view

So What would Kipling have said about the current military spend and not distinguished (per Mary)  procurement? subject  of a talk? Invite Kennedy?


On 11/14/2017 9:34 PM, Alastair Wilson wrote:
[log in to unmask]">

I'm afraid I would say that Prof. Kennedy (who ought to - probably does - know better) is mis-quoting.  (He is well-respected as a commentator on defence, particularly defence history.)  Our current lack of naval ( and military, and air) strength has absolutely nothing to do with our navy having been far-called to melt away, but everything to do with successive governments who have consistently gambled that they can get away with not spending money on defence.  We are told that we are good boys, that we spend 2% of GDP on defence, i.a.w. NATO requirements, bit nobody seems to realise that what is an absolute minimum (2%) has become a target maximum to be achieved.  This is not the place to discuss government policy, so I won't bang on about it, except to say that there are lies, damned lies and government defence statistics.
Alastair Wilson


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80 Fitzjohn's Avenue

T 0207 4331876
