

Dear experts,

I am running hcp_fix and getting the following error:
"FIX Classifying components in Melodic directory: RS_fMRI_2_hp2000.ica using training file: /usr/local/fix1.065/training_files/HCP_hp2000.RData and threshold 10
No valid labelling file specified”

In the log file: .fix_2b_predict.log, I found the following error message:
"Error in ctreefit(object = object, controls = controls, weights = weights,  : 
  no slot of name "remove_weights" for this object of class "TreeGrowControl"
Calls: eval -> eval -> <Anonymous> -> ctreefit -> .Call
Execution halted”

I am running R 4.3.2 and packageVersion("party”) is 1.2.3. Fix version is 1.065. Please advice.

Thank you,
