

Hi Yasmine,

If you manage to select the region you want to delete (by getting a binary "mask" version of it as Rosalina described), you're also then very close to being able to remove it from the intital atlas.

If you apply the -binv flag from fslmaths to that binary mask, you'll then get an "inverted" version of it; i.e. a version of it where every pixel which isn't part of that region is a "1", and every bit which is is a "0".

If you then use fslmaths to multiply the original atlas by that "inverted" mask, the resulting image will be the original atlas but with the region you extracted removed (all those pixels set to "0").


On 20 November 2017 at 16:36, Yasmine Fathy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Rosalia,

You are absolutely correct, the method that Vasudev mentioned is only to select a region of interest out of the whole atlas. And I don't want to do that, I need to actually remove that region from the atlas so I have an atlas minus this region.

I am not sure if selecting the ROI then merging it will then result in this region being deleted from the atlas.

I also looked at fslmaths options but can't find anything suitable.

If you find anything out, please let me know :)

Thanks a lot
