

Hi Everyone

I hope you are having a happy Friday!

I'm part of a project with the Open University and WONKHE supporting the use of 'open textbooks' - openly licensed, free books for students. Having started on the project I'm quite astonished at the numbers of books available and the wide range of subjects covered, not just through our US project partners OpenStax and Open Textbook Library, but in a number of amazing UK initiatives. We are sharing this information via Twitter @UKOpenTextbooks and the blog

We really need the help now of colleges and universities, as we are pulling together a case for further funding. We are looking at  levels of awareness and perspectives of teaching staff so I'd be most grateful if you could consider distributing this survey to your faculties / learning and teaching groups / academic units. We fully invite anyone who teachers/tutors, and also professional service staff, library staff and technologists who may run skills sessions.

You could use the following text on an email if you wish:

Hello Everyone

I'm part of a project looking at the use of textbooks in teaching, and I'm inviting you to participate in a survey to help us understand more about textbook use. This survey is for anyone who teaches - and we welcome participants from colleges and universities where higher education is delivered.

Here is a link to the survey:

Our blog provides further participant information and ethical details.

Thank you for your time, and we hope through this work to enhance access to textbooks for our learners.

Best wishes

Vivien Rolfe



Thank you for your consideration, and do let me know if you have any questions about open textbooks or this work.

Best wishes