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You are welcome to come to this event. Please forward the invitation to your colleagues and students who might be interested.
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An evening with Dr. Pierre Tzu-Pao Yang: Cultural and Technological Experiences from a Taiwanese Perspective


Date: 23 November 2017 (Talk at 19:00 and wine reception at 20:00)
Venue: G.73, Franklin-Wilkins Building, King's College Waterloo Campus, London, SE1 9NH


CMCI (Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries), King’s College London and the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office, UK are pleased to invite you to a special guest talk by Dr Pierre Tzu-Pao Yang, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Culture, Taiwan. The talk will be followed by a wine reception.

Taiwan’s culture is shaped by its free and open society and advanced technological developments. It is proud of its achievements in literature, architecture, arts, film and traditional crafts and aspire to become a creative hub. In this context, Dr Yang will discuss the socio-cultural climate in Taiwan and voice his hopes for the future of creative expressions.
Dr Yang obtained his PhD from École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Engineering and has had a diverse career across industry and government. In addition to being a cultural policy practitioner, he has been Taiwan's Representative in France and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is also an expert in cultural and international affairs.(

This talk will offer the audience a rare opportunity to learn about Taiwan’s cultural development and cultural policy strategies for the future. 

This is a free event but please register via Eventbrite:

* * *
Dr Hye-Kyung Lee
Senior Lecturer ǀ Culture, Media and Creative Industries
King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS 
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