Dear All,

ERC project: Dynamical Redesign of Biomolecular Networks

Applications are invited for 4-year PhD studentships in the Rosta group at King’s College London, to start on or after April 2018.
The positions are funded via the ERC Starting Grant: Dynamical Redesign of Biomolecular Networks.
We will develop novel theoretical frameworks to address catalytic efficiency and to establish molecular design principles to key design problems for new bio-inspired nanocatalysts. and to identify and characterize small molecule modulators of enzyme activity. This is a highly interdisciplinary project that will enable fundamental advances in molecular simulations and unveil the physical principles design and control catalysis.

For inquiries, please send a CV and a short statement of interest to Dr. Edina Rosta at [log in to unmask]. Applications are currently considered until the position is filled.


Crick project: Computational and experimental dissection of divergently evolved enzymes

A collaborative 4-year PhD project is available between the Rosta group (KCL) and the Carvalho laboratory (TFCI). The successful student will employ a range of experimental as well as computational methods such as mixed quantum/classical molecular dynamics calculations and Markov-based analysis methods to investigate substrate specificity and reaction mechanisms derived from enzymes that diverged from a common ancestor. The project intends to explore a selected number of enzymes, which despite sharing a common ancestor, likely have distinct enzymatic activities.

The application deadline is 12:00 noon (GMT) on Tuesday 14 November 2017.

Apply via the Crick:

Edina Rosta, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Computational Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, King's College London
Britannia House, Rm 113
7 Trinity Street, London SE1 1DB
Tel. +44(0)207 848 7334