I'm sitting Giles' class on Pound's "shadow", and we studied Duncan, this week. I liked the close of the Falconress poem "wear the hood, / talking to myself, and would draw blood", and think this reflects Duncan's performance.

My question is broad, but I hope an answer would help me to sit my writing MA. So they're "teaching creativity", and I reckon I can be. But I'm more involved in self / other (textual) regulation, than *imagination*; more procedural than that. I wonder if I should find someone to address, ideally without feeling like I'm selling, or compromising, much.

So what if *anything* digestible could I read on 'imagination' and 'address', such that I could hear more than myself in what I write.

It may be only a dead end. Does 'dialectics' have a role to play?

Thanks for any help,