Hi, Claire

Thanks for your reply! Do you know what happens if the text box *is* left idle - is there no auto-save at all in this case?

Hanrahan Highland 
Senior Digital Education Developer
Digital Education Office, Academic Registry 
University of Bristol
G1, Senate House
Tyndall Avenue 
Bristol, BS8 1TH 
Telephone: +44 (0)117 92 88830 

A top 3 UK university with leading employers (High Fliers 2017)
A top 5 UK university for research (REF 2014)
A top 10 UK university (QS Rankings 2018)

From: Blackboard/Courseinfo userslist <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Claire Locke <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 15 November 2017 10:47:17
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Essay questions
Hi Hanrahan,

The quick solution to this is to use file response questions instead of essay questions. This won't be entirely helpful if the PC crashes but can prevent the loss of data from Blackboard if the session times out or the network gets interrupted.

We had a case previously where it was too late to use file response questions because it was a resit assessment and the lecturer was adamant that the conditions should be exactly the same. As long as the text box is not left idle it will autosave but instructing the students to save often as well can also help.



On 15 November 2017 at 10:26, Hanrahan Highland <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Has anyone made use of the essay question type in a high-stakes, summative assessment? If so, what (if anything) have you done to mitigate concerns about students' work being lost (if, for example, towards the end of the assessment their computer crashes)?

Thank you!

Hanrahan Highland 
Senior Digital Education Developer
Digital Education Office, Academic Registry 
University of Bristol
G1, Senate House
Tyndall Avenue 
Bristol, BS8 1TH 
Telephone: +44 (0)117 92 88830 

A top 3 UK university with leading employers (High Fliers 2017)
A top 5 UK university for research (REF 2014)
A top 10 UK university (QS Rankings 2018)

Claire Locke
Application Administrator (Weblearn)
Room T6-01, Tower Building
166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB
Ext: 4528

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