

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is currently advertising PhD studentships funded by the MRC London Intercollegiate Doctoral Training Partnership.


I would like to draw your attention to those projects listed below from the Quantitative Skills for Large Data Sets theme which would be supervised by a member of the Medical Statistics Department and would therefore be based in this department. The project supervisors will be happy to provide more information - please feel free to contact the lead supervisor of projects that interest you.


Please see the website below for information about what the studentships offer, eligibility criteria, and the full list of projects:


Best wishes, Ruth


Dr Ruth Keogh

Associate Professor

Department of Medical Statistics Research Degrees Coordinator

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine




Medical Statistics Department projects



Supervisors: Karla Diaz-Ordaz, Yalda Jamshida, James Carpenter

Development of high-dimensional data-adaptive causal inference methods to unravel the role of genetics in determining heart rhythm


Supervisors: Ruth Keogh, Stijn Vansteelandt, Chris Frost

Use and development of statistical mediation techniques to understand the survival gap between males and females with cystic fibrosis


Supervisors: Clemence Leyrat, James Carpenter

Comparison of multiple treatments in electronic health records: how should we use propensity scores?


Supervisors: Jennifer Nicholas, Jonathan Rohrer

Predicting proximity to disease onset in frontotemporal dementia (FTD)


Supervisors: Neil Pearce, Sinead Langan

Defining disease phenotypes using high-dimensional data: using asthma and eczema as exemplar diseases


Supervisors: Linda Sharples, Jan Van der Meulen

The use of large linked databases to optimise outcomes for liver cancer patients accepted for transplantation



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