Dear All,


We are delighted to announce pre-release of our Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework (SIRF) Version 0.9.1, Release Candidate 1. We’d very much appreciate it if you could test this version and provide feedback on the mailing list. We aim for final release next Wednesday.


The summary of main changes since Release 0.9.0 is as follows:


- PET data algebra implemented.

- Storage scheme (file/memory) management for acquisition data implemented.

- Using single precision float Matlab and Python arrays now.

- Argument validity checks introduced.

- Consistent naming scheme for libraries and modules adopted.

- The SuperBuild should have better success in finding Python/MATLAB.

- The SuperBuild now can build specific versions of dependencies (ISMRMRD, Gadgetron, STIR, SIRF).

- Virtual Machine now uses the SuperBuild as update mechanism.


Please visit for further information and links.


We remind you that we supply a Virtual Machine (using Oracle VirtualBox) with Python bindings pre-installed, but also installation procedures for those who want to build the software natively, which should work on Linux and Mac (native installation on Windows is possible but still difficult at present unfortunately).


Please try it out and let us know, by mailing to [log in to unmask], whether it worked for you and provide feedback.


Our Best Regards,


CCPPETMR Developers

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