


I learn from an article by Kim et al. published in Plos Biology 2006 (Is Avoiding an Aversive Outcome Rewarding? Neural Substrates of Avoidance Learning in the Human Brain) and have a question. In this study, researchers calculated trial-by-trial expected reward values and prediction error (PE) and would like to know the brain activity correlated with both values. In methods:

"Time series describing expected reward values and PEs were generated for each participant for each trial in the experiment by entering the participant’s trial history into the advantage RL model. These sequences were convolved with a hemodynamic response function and entered into a regression analysis against the fMRI data."

It seems to me that they did not use parametric modulation analysis. My question is, how to convolve these sequences with a hemodynamic response function and entere into a regression analysis against the fMRI data?

Sincerely yours,
