


You might want to consider the atlas that comes with SPM12. It's in
tpm/labels_Neuromorphometrics.nii, and a list of the labels is in


On 10/9/17, Lee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone suggest some sources for me to read about IBASPM71 and IBASPM116?
> I am working on the topic of addiction using fMRI technique. Currently, I am
> thinking which brain atlas should I use.
> WFUpickatlas provides several options for brain atlas. I have narrowed them
> down to aal and IBMSPM. Before that, I was using aal but it doesn't provide
> many labels compare to IBASPM. I tried to read from several papers and the
> only idea I got is that IBASPM is useful in segmentation for volumetric
> analysis which I found it is quite interesting. Yet, my study objectives
> have nothing to do with volumetric analysis so far. I am merely
> investigating on the brain activation and doing ROI analysis
> Can anyone provide me some insight regarding the choice of atlas?
> Thanks in advance!