

Dear colleagues

Attached please find a call for papers on *“Not just an object”: Making
meaning of and from everyday objects in educational research for social
change" . *The call is also available online at :

Please make note of the deadlines and guidelines:

*Abstracts (150–200 words) are due on 1 April 2018*

Abstracts could address these elements:

   - the focus and purpose of the educational research for social change
   - the researcher/s and research context/s
   - methodology / methods for working with objects
   - most exciting / discoveries / implications for making meaning of and
   from objects in educational research for social change

Abstracts, together with the article title, author names and contact
details, should be submitted as an email attachment to: [log in to unmask]

   - Invitations will be sent to selected authors:  *1 May 2018*
   - Full manuscripts: * 1 August 2018*
   - Feedback on reviews*:  1 November 2018*
   - Submission of reworked papers:*15 January 2019*
   - Publication date: * April 2019*

Potential authors should consult the Educational Research for Social Change
online journal for style guide information:

Please contact the guest editors if you would like to discuss your ideas
for a paper.

Best wishes

Daisy, Kathleen, and Inbanathan