

The STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training is committed to promoting the 
exchange of ideas and best research practices across the wider 
Statistics and Operational Research community. As part of this 
commitment, STOR-i have created a national associates scheme to provide 
a network of cooperation amongst PhD students working in Statistics and 
Operational Research.

Membership to the network is free and open to all UK based Statistics 
and Operational Research PhD students who are on CASE projects, or whose 
PhD is co-funded by an industrial partner. Members of the network will 
benefit from free travel and accommodation to the Centre for Doctoral 
Training to take part in network events.

Members of the network will have the opportunity to meet fellow STOR 
students from across the UK, engage with industrial stakeholders and 
enhance their continuing professional development through bespoke 
training events. For example:

- Annual STOR-i conference
- Industrial problem solving days
- Masterclass events
- STOR computer software training days
- STOR-i workshops

Limited places are available, so if you are interested in joining in the 
scheme then please email [log in to unmask] with the following details:

- Name of your academic institution and industrial collaborator
- An up-to-date CV
- A brief description of your PhD project and how this links with your 
industrial collaborator
- Letter from supervisor confirming that she/he is happy for you to 
attend network events

Further details can be found here.
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