

Dear friends and colleagues,

Just a brief note to share one of our latest podcasts, hoping it will be of your interest:

New podcast: OBJECTHOOD #5, feat. Hito Steyerl, Helen Hester and Roula Partheniou <>

Curated by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros.

This is a podcast about objects<>, but especially about some theories that have recently brought new perspectives on objects from contemporary art and theory. In this episode, we talk to Hito Steyerl, Helen Hester and Roula Partheniou about a number of ramifications of the idea of object in their respective practices.

The 1997 track by Operator & Baffled that opens the programme, 'Things Are Never', repeats over and over again that things are never quite the way they seem. OBJECTHOOD #5 underlines the view of objects as points of convergence of a multitude of social, political, economic relations, trapped in matter and more or less made invisible by their everydayness.

More info:

Through her writing practice, films, and performative lectures, Hito Steyerlconsiders the status of the image in an increasingly global and technological world. Steyerl’s work is part of a lineage that includes Harun Farocki and Chris Marker, blending aspects of documentary with the film essay to explore globalization, political economies, visual culture, and the status of art production.

Helen Hester is Head of Film and Media at the University of West London. Her research interests include technofeminism, sexuality studies, and theories of social reproduction, and she is a member of the international feminist collective Laboria Cuboniks.

Toronto-based artist Roula Partheniou makes remarkable sculptural replicas based on domestic items, construction materials and office supplies. Whether stacked, shelved or left leaning against the wall, the artist’s use of precise forms and a reductive colour palette elicits a double take that invites viewers to pause and reconsider how their initial reading of common visual cues can often be deceptive.

00:00 Introduction
06:38 Hito Steyerl
11:20 Money
13:10 Condensations
14:55 Machine vision
17:55 Images, documentaries, translations
22:20 Helen Hester
25:03 Object/subject dualism in recent feminisms
29:05 Xenofeminism and Nature
34:40 Xenofeminism and the post-human
41:24 Roula Partheniou
43:00 'Chalk to Cheese'
44:57 Readymades
46:05 Replica, perception
49:45 Real-time calibration
55:49 Coda

>>The complete OBJECTHOOD podcast <> series can be found here<>

E /// N /// J /// O /// Y

E /// N /// J /// O /// Y

E /// N /// J /// O /// Y

Previous instalments

OBJECTHOOD #1.<> feat Graham Harman and Luciana Parisi

OBJECTHOOD #2. <> feat. Erick Beltrán and Florian Hecker

OBJECTHOOD #3.<> feat. Martin Holbraad and Quim Pujol

OBJECTHOOD #4<>. feat. Nabil Ahmed, Arie Altena and Antye Greie-Ripatti


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