

Sounds like a great idea. You could put up on Medium?

On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 8:23 AM, Kate Smith <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> That's such a helpful analysis - as Elena and Bridget say, what we
> actually seem to have is:
> - small museums with less resources
> - large museums who do have the resources jumping in with both feet
> The killer line is:
> "I noticed that small museums represented 30% of the
> survey sample in 2013 and in 2017 they represent 45% (it depends on the
> question) so this may have an important impact on the aggregated results."
> (Elena)
> I suppose it begs the question 'how small is a small museum' but at an
> extreme, you might get the BM on one hand, and a two-room place off a local
> studies centre at the other, both counting as 'one unit of museum' and with
> equal power to shift the statistics. Ultimately this serves neither.
> I did drop Richard a line (thanks Katie M!) but heard nothing back so far.
> I'd be willing to read the whole report properly and blog everyone's
> collective thoughts - though I'm certainly far less statistic savvy than
> Elena. If I drafted something, would others in this conversation be willing
> to chip? - and could anyone suggest a platform to stick it up? I'm not
> thinking of something massively long.
> This is the third time in a year where I've felt caught out, when headline
> stats about the sector appeared to show one thing, and then showed - at
> best - a muddier picture.
> Kate
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Katie Moffat
07590 122203
